#uruguay mnt
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bellcza · 11 months ago
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ronald araújo for la selección uruguaya
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holliwoobz · 7 months ago
can i say something
darwin nuñez jumping into the stands and on those people for fucking with his family is hot as fuck
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strangelymint · 7 months ago
uruguay have crushed my dreams twice, i dont want to talk about it
congrats to uruguay tho
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rookieforlife · 6 years ago
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Nahitan Nández | Boca Juniors
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tqvcancun · 7 years ago
Guía de instalación de Arch Linux 2017
He actualizado un poco la guía de instalación de Arch Linux en este año 2017 por lo que los cambios son pocos el proceso sigue siendo el mismo. He decidido explicar el dualboot con Windows a pedido de unos, también la instalación en una máquina virtual.
Arch Linux es una distribución GNU/Linux desarrollada para sistemas i686 y x86-64, basada en un modelo rolling-release: (una sola instalación, no hay “nuevas versiones”, sólo actualizaciones) ofreciendo las últimas versiones estables de la mayoría del software. Aun que mucha gente piensa que es para personas avanzadas lo cierto es que no cualquier persona puede instalarla usando la Wiki o cualquier guía de instalación como esta. Esta guía está basada en:
Kernel: 4.13.3
Reqisitos previos.
Si harás la instalación desde una máquina virtual solo saber configurarla y el boteo del iso.
Saber grabar un iso boteable en un CD/DVD o USB
Saber que hardware tiene tu ordenador (tipo de teclado, tarjeta de vídeo, arquitectura de tu procesador, cuanto espacio en disco duro tienes)
Configurar tu BIOS para botear el cd/DVD o USB donde tienes Arch Linux
Ganas de instalar la distro
Y sobre todo Paciencia mucha paciencia
Atención: Si es la primera vez que vas a realizar la instalación de este Sistema Operativo y no tienes conocimientos previos de sobre Linux, te recomiendo 2 cosas:
1.- Lo mejor para ti seria que hicieras la instalación desde una máquina virtual, como VirtualBox o VMware para que vayas a prendiendo poco a poco y con la seguridad de que no pasara nada pues estás sobre una máquina virtual.
2.- Si vas a instalar Arch Linux como sistema único en tu ordenador Has un backup de tus archivos más importantes y ten a la mano un CD/DVD o pendrive de tu sistema actual ya que si no haces la instalación al pie de la letra o de no concluir la instalación y perderás todo.
Descargar Arch Linux y preparar el medio de instalación
El primer paso para poder instalar Arch Liunx en nuestro equipo sera descargar el iso Arch Linux 2017 recomiendo la descarga via Torrent o Magnet link.
Medio de instalación CD/DVD
Windows: Podemos grabar el iso con Imgburn,UltraISO,Nero o cualquier otro programa incluso sin ellos en Windows 7 y posteriores nos da la opción al dar clic derecho sobre la ISO.
Linux: Pueden utilizar en especial el que viene con los entornos gráficos, entre ellos son, Brasero, k3b, yXfburn.
Medio de instalación USB
Windows: Pueden utilizar Universal USB Installer o LinuxLive USB Creator, ambos son sencillos de utilizar.
Linux : La opción recomendable es usar el comando dd:
dd bs=4M if=/ruta/a/archlinux.iso of=/dev/sdx
Boot USB/CD Arch Linux
En la pantalla de boot nos mostrará lo siguiente solo hay que elegir la arquitectura correspondiente a nuestro procesador.
Comenzará a cargar todo lo necesario y nos aparecerá en modo terminal.
Al estar en esta pantalla comenzaremos con la instalación. Por defecto Arch Linux tiene el idioma inglés, en nuestro caso será recomendable que lo pongamos en español.
Poner teclado en español.
loadkeys la-latin1
Creando particiones
Arch Linux cuenta con defecto con las siguientes herramientas para administración de discos: cfdisk, cgdisk, fdisk. La opción más recomendable es usar: cfdisk.
Los siguientes pasos son en caso de instalar Arch Linux como único sistema en nuestro ordenador, en caso de instalar junto a otro sistema Linux, habrá que saltarse la creación de la partición boot, así como la instalación del grub.
Ahora si se va instalar Arch Linux junto a Windows, habrá que tener cuidado y no eliminar la partición del mbr si no podrías perder el acceso a Windows.
Instrucciones Dual Boot Windows & Arch Linux.
Solo tendrás que desactivar la opción de “Secure boot” en tu bios. No me preguntes en donde esta, puesto que las versiones de bios y marcas, son varias, pero es fácil de encontrar entre las opciones de tu bios.
Habrá que redimensionar el disco duro, para dar espacio a Arch Linux lo recomendable es dejar 40GB de espacio, como mínimo.
Ahora proseguiremos a seguir los primeros pasos del tutorial hasta situarnos en la utilización de cfdisk.
Tendremos que reconocer las particiones de Windows y el mbr, así como el espacio que le vamos a dar a Arch Linux. El mbr estará siempre en la primera partición a continuación, la partición de Windows será ntfs, en mi caso  (dev/sdb2) y el espacio libre nos marcará como free space.
UEFI: aquí debes de tomar nota puesto que la primera partición siempre debe de ser para el arranque EFI, por lo que por general es donde esta almacenado el arranque de Windows de esta manera.
Por lo que solo tendrás que crear una carpeta en $ESP/ como “boot”. Ahora podremos continuar con el tutorial, al finalizarlo iremos al final del tutorial donde les dejare los comandos para agregar Windows al grub de Arch Linux.
Creamos 4 particiones:
/boot: Esta partición, será destinada al grub. (para los que tienen UEFI no es necesario, solo es crear la carpeta boot dentro de esta partición)
/ (root): Esta partición lo más recomendable será que tenga 15 Gb, en ella se alojaran todos nuestros archivos.
/home: Donde se almacenarán nuestros documentos, fotos, vídeos, etc, por lo que se recomienda asignarle el mayor tamaño.
Swap: Esta partición es para asignar memoria “virtual” en caso de contar con menos de 2Gb de RAM. No es recomendable usar swap con más de 2Gb de RAM.
En equipos con memoria RAM de hasta 1 Giga debería ser igual de grande la SWAP que la RAM.
Para 2GB debería ser la SWAP la mitad de grande que la RAM.
Usando cfdisk la secuencia de órdenes será: New » Primary | Logical » Size (en MB) » Beginning. Dos detalles a tomar en cuenta: En el caso de la partición elegida como Swap, ir a la opción “Type” y seleccionar 82 (Linux Swap) de la lista. En el caso de la partición elegida como /boot, seleccionar la opción “Bootable“.
Ya terminado el particionado grabaremos los cambios con “Write“, y confirmar escribiendo “yes“, hecho esto no hay vuelta atrás y todos los cambios hechos quedaran grabados.
Para salir elegir “Quit“. Ahora proseguiremos a darle formato a las particiones creadas, por lo que es recomendable saber que ruta tiene el destino de las particiones. Comenzaremos con dar formato a la partición boot:
mkfs -t ext2 /dev/sda1
Para la particion root:
mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sda2
Para /home:
mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sda3
Para formatear Swap, usar el comando mkswap:
mkswap /dev/sda4
Sólo resta activar Swap con:
swapon /dev/sda4
Montando particiones al sistema: Primero montamos la partición / en /mnt:
mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
Creamos los directorios de las otras particiones dentro de /mnt:
mkdir /mnt/boot
mkdir /mnt/home
Montamos las particiones correspondientes:
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/home
Conectando Arch Linux a internet (wifi)
Si estamos usando una portátil y no contamos con un cable de red es necesario conectar el sistema a la red para realizar la instalación. Habrá que hacerlo mediante el comando:
Después de ello comprobaremos nuestra conexión con:
ping -c 3 www.google.com
Instalando Arch Linux
Comenzaremos con el siguiente comando:
pacstrap /mnt base base-devel
También si seguiremos usando WIFI necesitaremos este soporte posteriormente:
pacstrap /mnt netctl wpa_supplicant dialog
Terminado al instalación del sistema base, continuaremos con el Grub:
pacstrap /mnt grub-bios
Agregaremos el soporte Network Manager:
pacstrap /mnt networkmanager
Paso opcional: Añadir soporte a nuestro TouchPad (en caso de tener un equipo portátil).
pacstrap /mnt xf86-input-synaptics
Instalando gestor de arranque GRUB
pacstrap /mnt grub-bios
Configurando el Sistema
En este paso haremos diversas acciones de configuración de nuestro sistema. Primero, vamos a generar el archivo fstab con:
genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
Para el resto de las acciones de configuración, haremos un chroot en nuestro recién instalado sistema:
arch-chroot /mnt
Debemos establecer el nombre de nuestro hostname en el archivo /etc/hostname. Por ejemplo:
localhost echo 'NOMBRE_DEL_HOST /etc/hostname
Ahora, creamos un enlace simbólico (symlink) de /etc/localtime a /usr/share/zoneinfo// (reemplaza según tu ubicación geográfica). Por ejemplo, para México:
ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Mexico_City /etc/localtime
Establecer horario en nuestra zona.
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Madrid /etc/localtime
ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Mexico_City /etc/localtime
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Buenos_Aires /etc/localtime
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Bogota /etc/localtime
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Guayaquil /etc/localtime
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Lima /etc/localtime
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Santiago /etc/localtime
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Guatemala /etc/localtime
El Salvador
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/El_Salvador /etc/localtime
ln -sf usr/share/zoneinfo/America/La_Paz /etc/localtime
ln -sf usr/share/zoneinfo/posix/America/Asuncion /etc/localtime
ln -sf usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Montevideo /etc/localtime
ln -sf usr/share/zoneinfo/posix/America/Managua /etc/localtime
ln -sf usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Santo_Domingo /etc/localtime
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Caracas /etc/localtime
Establece tus preferencias de localización editando el archivo /etc/locale.conf, por ejemplo, para México:
echo 'es_MX.UTF-8 UTF-8 /etc/locale.gen echo 'LANG=es_ES.UTF-8 /etc/locale.conf
El Salvador
República Dominicana
Así mismo, en el archivo /etc/locale.gen debemos descomentar (eliminar el “#” al inicio de la línea) tu localización, por ejemplo:
#es_HN ISO-8859-1 es_MX.UTF-8 UTF-8 #es_MX ISO-8859-1
Entonces, ya podemos generar tu localización con:
No hay que perder de vista que lo anterior no establece la distribución de nuestro teclado (lo que hicimos para la sesión actual/ con loadkeys en el paso 2), por lo que debemos establecer la variable KEYMAP en el archivo /etc/vconsole.conf (debes crear este archivo). Por ejemplo:
echo 'KEYMAP=es /etc/vconsole.conf KEYMAP=la-latin1
Seguro te estarás preguntando: “¿Y no todo ésto se configura en /etc/rc.conf, el principal archivo de configuración de Arch Linux?”. La respuesta corta: ¡Ya no más! El motivo: Unificar las configuraciones de initscripts y systemd (leer más al respecto).
Ahora cada opción de configuración se establece en su archivo correspondiente. Los siguientes pasos instalan la aplicación GRUB UEFI en $esp/EFI/grub, instala los módulos en /boot/grub/x86_64-efi, y coloca el stub grubx64.efi booteable en $esp/EFI/grub_uefi.
En primer lugar, le decimos a GRUB que utilice UEFI, que establezca el directorio de arranque y que establezca el ID. del gestor de arranque.
Cambie $esp con su partición efi (normalmente /boot): Nota: Mientras que algunas distribuciones requieren un directorio /boot/efi o /boot/EFI, Arch no lo necesita. –efi-directory y –bootloader-id son específicos de GRUB UEFI. –efi-directory especifica el punto de montaje de la ESP.
Este sustituye a –root-directory, que está obsoleto. –bootloader-id especifica el nombre del directorio utilizado para guardar el archivo grubx64.efi.
Es posible que note la ausencia de una opción (por ejemplo: /dev/sda) en la orden :
De hecho, cualquier proporcionado será ignorado por el script de instalación de GRUB, dado que los gestores de arranque de UEFI no utilizan un MBR o sector de arranque de la partición en absoluto. Solo para quienes tiene uefi el comando a usar este
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=$esp --bootloader-id=grub_uefi --recheck/sourcecode] Ahora, configuramos el bootloader, en este caso, GRUB: grub-install /dev/sda
Y creamos el archivo grub.cfg con:
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Si es necesario (aunque normalmente no lo es), edita el archivo /etc/mkinitcpio.conf según necesidades propias. Entonces, creamos el disco RAM inicial con:
mkinitcpio -p linux
No debemos olvidarnos de establecer la contraseña para el usuario root con:
Creamos nuestro usuario (aparte del root) y le damos los permisos necesarios:
useradd -m -g users -G audio,lp,optical,storage,video,wheel,games,power,scanner -s /bin/bash USUARIO
Ahora sí, ya podemos salir del entorno chroot con:
Desmontamos las particiones previamente montadas en /mnt con:
umount /mnt/{boot,home,}
Y finalmente, reiniciamos el sistema con:
Si no has removido el medio de instalación (CD o pendrive), volverás a ver el menú de bienvenida, donde ahora debes elegir la segunda opción (para la próxima, no se te olvide removerlo).
El artículo Guía de instalación de Arch Linux 2017 ha sido originalmente publicado en Linux Adictos.
Fuente: Linux Adictos https://www.linuxadictos.com/guia-de-instalacion-de-arch-linux-2017.html
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joaquin-soccer-blog · 6 years ago
April 1st | On this day
On April 1st, 2009, Jozy Altidore scored three goals against Trinidad & Tobago, becoming the youngest player of the U.S. men’s national team to score a hat-trick at the age of 19 years and 146 days old. The previous record holder was Eddie Johnson (20 years, 196 days).
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Jozy Altidore, 19, U.S. men’s striker, at the kickoff in the World Cup qualification match vs. Trinidad & Tobago. 04/01/2019.
The match was played at the LP Field, Nashville in what is known today as the Nissan Stadium, in attendance were 27,958 fans. Other contenders for the youngest hat-trick scored for the U.S. men’s team are Bert Patenaude at 20-years of age, Landon Donovan at 21-years of age, and Joe-Max Moore at 22-years of age. 
Jozy Altidore’s hat-trick against Trinidad & Tobago was an important step towards qualifying for the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa in the CONCACAF tournament. The CONCACAF tournament is the Confederation of North, Central and Caribbean Association Football where the countries from these regions face off in a tournament. The current champions of the CONCACAF at the time were the U.S. men’s national team.
The U.S. men’s national team debuted Altidore when he was 18. He scored a goal in 2008 the USA-Mexico game for the team and has since been a fan favorite. Altidore has been described as being a strong striker with plenty of speed and comfortable in the air. 
After the grueling third round matches, the fourth-round group had all winners and runners-ups of the third group to compete. Only the top three teams with the most points would qualify for the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa. The fourth-placed team (Costa Rica) would play-off against the fifth-place team (Uruguay) from the CONMEBOL for a spot in the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa.
Altidore scored early at the 13th minute then closed the match with two late goals at the 71st and 89th minute, respectively. At the end of the third round, the U.S. men’s national team finished first in the group and qualified for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Mexico came second in the group and Honduras came third, both qualifying for the World Cup as well.
Here is a link to the match highlight: https://youtu.be/aOnjwmIdGZU
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years ago
Pulisic leads USMNT roster; Dest, Pomykal in
Brian McBride breaks down Christian Pulisic’s early performances for Chelsea and explains where the American’s game needs work.
U.S. men’s national team coach Gregg Berhalter has named a 26-player roster ahead of friendlies against Mexico and Uruguay, headlined by Chelsea’s Christian Pulisic.
The U.S. will face El Tri at East Rutherford, New Jersey’s MetLife Stadium on Sept. 6, followed by a match against Uruguay at St. Louis’ Busch Stadium four days later.
– World Cup 2022 qualifying: All you need to know
Players will begin reporting to camp on Sept. 1. A separate camp for the U.S. under-23 team — which will attempt to qualify for the 2020 Olympic games in Tokyo to be held next summer — will also be held. The roster for that camp is tentatively scheduled to be announced on Friday.
“Along the lines of progress, the starting point for the roster is we’re able to maintain a core group of main players from the Gold Cup and continue building,” Berhalter said. “We are also bringing some new players into the fold that we feel have the potential to make an impact with this team.”
The roster features 15 players from the team that reached the final of the Gold Cup in July, including Fortuna Dusseldorf goalkeeper Zack Steffen, New York Red Bulls defender Aaron Long and Schalke midfielder Weston McKennie. Wolfsburg defender John Brooks, who missed the Gold Cup due to injury is also named. Pulisic is listed on the roster as a forward, hinting that he’ll be used further up the field in these two matches.
“I think Christian has a unique skill set,” Berhalter said. “He’s a great attacking player and we want to put him in position to affect the game. We’re open to where we’re using him. We’ve used him centrally and on the wing before. All those things keep adding up to the fact that we want him affecting the game in a positive way.”
The biggest surprise is the recall of midfielder Alfredo Morales, Steffen’s club teammate. Morales last represented the U.S. in a 3-1 win against Puerto Rico on May 22, 2016, but Berhalter felt his performances for Dusseldorf merited a call-up.
“Alfredo is a case where he’s done such a good job with Fortuna Dusseldorf, not only through the first two Bundesliga games, but we’ve seen reports from preseason where he’s been an outstanding player. It’s nice to give a guy a reward like that — an opportunity again because of how he’s performing at his club.”
Werder Bremen forward Josh Sargent, who was surprisingly left off the Gold Cup roster last summer, is also named along with Ajax right back Sergino Dest and FC Dallas midfielder Paxton Pomykal, both of whom represented the U.S. at last May’s FIFA U20 World Cup.
A quartet of injuries had an impact on Berhalter’s roster selections. RB Leipzig midfielder Tyler Adams continues to work his way back from a groin injury, as does Newcastle United defender DeAndre Yedlin. A thigh injury precluded Lille attacker Tim Weah from participating in the camp, while a calf injury sustained last weekend prevented Reading defender Matt Miazga from taking part.
Also left off were the Toronto FC duo of Michael Bradley and Jozy Altidore. TFC has a pair of league games during the international window.
GOALKEEPERS (4): Jesse Gonzalez (FC Dallas; 0/0), Brad Guzan (Atlanta United FC; 60/0), Sean Johnson (New York City FC; 8/0), Zack Steffen (Fortuna Düsseldorf/GER; 15/0)
DEFENDERS (9): John Brooks (Wolfsburg/GER; 37/3), Reggie Cannon (FC Dallas; 6/0), Sergiño Dest (Ajax/NED; 0/0), Nick Lima (San Jose Earthquakes; 7/0), Aaron Long (New York Red Bulls; 11/2), Daniel Lovitz (Montreal Impact/CAN; 8/0),) Tim Ream (Fulham/ENG; 35/1), Miles Robinson (Atlanta United FC; 0/0), Walker Zimmerman (LAFC; 10/2)
MIDFIELDERS (7): Sebastian Lletget (LA Galaxy; 9/2), Weston McKennie (Schalke/GER; 14/3), Alfredo Morales (Fortuna Düsseldorf/GER; 13/0), Paxton Pomykal (FC Dallas; 0/0), Cristian Roldan (Seattle Sounders FC; 15/0), Wil Trapp (Columbus Crew SC; 19/0), Jackson Yueill (San Jose Earthquakes; 1/0)
FORWARDS (6): Corey Baird (Real Salt Lake; 3/0), Tyler Boyd (Besiktas/TUR; 5/2), Jordan Morris (Seattle Sounders FC; 33/5), Christian Pulisic (Chelsea/ENG; 31/13), Josh Sargent (Werder Bremen/GER; 7/2), Gyasi Zardes (Columbus Crew SC; 51/10)
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wikiaz · 6 years ago
Ký hiệu $, £, ¥, € là gì? Tất cả các ký hiệu tiền tệ trên thế giới
Nguồn bài viết https://wikiaz.net/ky-hieu-tien-te/
Ký hiệu $, £, ¥, € là gì? Tất cả các ký hiệu tiền tệ trên thế giới
Các ký hiệu $, £, ¥, € là gì? Đây là các ký hiệu tiền tệ phổ biến. Bài viết này sẽ liệt kê tất cả các ký hiệu và mã tiền tệ của các đồng tiền trên thế giới từ những đồng tiền mạnh như $, £, ¢, ¥, € tới các đồng tiền nhỏ hơn.
Ký hiệu $, £, ¥, € là gì?
$ là ký hiệu của đơn vị tiền tệ Dollar hay Peso. Trên thế giới có rất nhiều quốc gia sử dụng ký hiệu $ cho đồng tiền của mình như Argentina, Colombia, Hong Kong… và được biết tới nhiều nhất là Hoa Kỳ
£ là ký hiệu của đơn vị tiền tệ Pound. Trên thế giới có nhiều quốc gia sử dụng ký hiệu £ cho đồng tiền của mình như Ai Cập, Syria… và được biết tới nhiều nhất là nước Anh
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years ago
This Week in MLS - September 4, 2018
USA Today Sports Images
September 4, 20185:57AM EDT
World Cup veterans, debutants among nearly 60 MLS players called to national team duty
Young MLS-led U.S. MNT tasked with bout vs. Neymar, five-time champion Brazil
Toronto-area native Osorio’s star rises as he leads Canada’s MLS contingent
Jonathan dos Santos called in for Mexico’s first post-World Cup match
Red Bulls clinch berth for Audi 2018 MLS Cup Playoffs
MLS Week 28: Match Notes
World Cup veterans, debutants among nearly 60 MLS players called to national team duty
Nearly 60 MLS standouts will report for national team duty this week during the September FIFA International Window with players ranging from World Cup veterans to young stars making their national team debuts. Across the league, players will look to carry over their strong performances from league play to make a difference on the international stage in the first national team action since the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
A pair of Sporting Kansas City youngsters are among the national team call-ups, with 22-year-old Homegrown forward Dániel Sallói earning his first call-up to the Hungary National Team in the midst of a tremendous season with a combined 14 goals and assists. Diego Rubio, meanwhile, earned a call to the Chile National Team as the 25-year-old forward has registered career highs in goals and assists this season, including a tremendous volley in MLS play this week.
Among the players to participate in the 2018 FIFA World Cup that will play with their national teams this week include Peru’s Raúl Ruidíaz (Seattle Sounders FC) and Yoshimar Yotún (Orlando City SC), Mexico’s Jonathan dos Santos (LA Galaxy), Sweden’s Gustav Svensson (Seattle Sounders FC) and a combined nine players representing Costa Rica (four players) and Panama (five players).
Another team to watch loaded with MLS talent is Venezuela, led by Josef Martínez (Atlanta United) who recently broke the MLS single-season goalscoring record and is among the top scorers in the world with 28 this season. Martínez is joined on Venezuela’s roster for matchups against Colombia and Panama by Real Salt Lake’s 21-year-old Young Designated Player Jefferson Savarino, who has a combined 16 goals and assists this season, D.C. United midfielder Júnior Moreno, and LA Galaxy defender Rolf Feltscher.
Click here for a full list of MLS call-ups for the September FIFA International Window.
Young MLS-led U.S. MNT tasked with bout vs. Neymar, five-time champion Brazil
Averaging younger than 24 years old, nearly half of the call-ups for the U.S. Men’s National Team roster hail from MLS clubs. Twelve of the 25 call-ups are regular contributors in MLS this season.
Among the notable call-ups is D.C. United midfielder Paul Arriola, who with 11 U.S. caps, has played a pivotal role since joining during the Secondary Transfer Window of the 2017 season. With four goals and eight assists for his club, Arriola’s collaborations with co-stars Wayne Rooney and Luciano Acosta have lifted D.C. United from last place in the Eastern Conference to a surging late-season powerhouse that is one spot away from a berth to the Audi 2018 MLS Cup Playoffs.
Arriola and the USMNT will take on five-time champions and 2018 FIFA World Cup Quarterfinalists Brazil – led by renowned striker Neymar – at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey on Friday (7:30 pm ET, FS1 / UniMás / UDN).
The stars and stripes will close out the international break against Mexico at Nissan Stadium in Nashville on Tuesday, September 11 (8:30 p.m. ET, ESPN / UniMás / UDN).
Toronto-area native Osorio’s star rises as he leads Canada’s MLS contingent
Toronto FC midfielder and Brampton, Ontario native Jonathan Osorio, one of the Reds’ strongest players in 2018, headlines an exciting group of 10 MLS players representing the Canada National Team for its Sept. 9 match against the U.S. Virgin Islands in Bradenton, Fla.
The 26-year-old Osorio signed a contract extension with Toronto last week, and the Reds have benefited from the local star’s rise. This year, Osorio has blossomed to the tune of a career-high nine goals in league play, was the top scorer with three goals en route to the 2018 Canadian Championship crown and notched four goals to earn the 2018 Concacaf Champions League Golden Boot.
In the midst of his sixth season, Osorio helped TFC to last year’s MLS Cup crown and Supporters’ Shield and three consecutive Canadian Championship titles (2016-18), and he will look forward to potentially adding to the trophy case when Toronto hosts Liga MX’s Tigres UANL in the inaugural Campeones Cup on Sept. 19 at BMO Field.
Four Vancouver Whitecaps FC players are on Canada’s exciting 23-man roster, including 17-year-old star Alphonso Davies, the youngest player among the group. Davies leads Whitecaps FC with 10 assists (tied for seventh in MLS) along with six goals. In addition to Vancouver and Toronto, two other MLS clubs are represented with center back Dejan Jakovic from the Los Angeles Football Club and winger Tesho Akindele of FC Dallas.
Jonathan dos Santos called in for Mexico’s first post-World Cup match
LA Galaxy midfielder Jonathan dos Santos was called into Mexico’s 25-man roster in preparation for their matches against Uruguay on Friday in Houston, followed by the Sept. 11 game against the U.S. in Nashville. The 28-year-old dos Santos played in his first FIFA World Cup earlier this year in Russia, appearing in Mexico’s Round of 16 match against Brazil. Dos Santos has earned 29 appearances for Mexico, which embarks on its first post-World Cup matches of the year. He and older brother and Galaxy teammate Giovani dos Santos became the first MLS brother pairing to compete in the World Cup.
Red Bulls clinch berth for Audi 2018 MLS Cup Playoffs
Eight weeks remain in the 2018 MLS Regular Season, and the Audi 2018 MLS Cup Playoffs picture is starting to come into frame. Following Week 27 matches, the Eastern Conference-leading New York Red Bulls (17-7-4, 55 points) became the first team to clinch a postseason berth. This marks the Red Bulls’ ninth consecutive playoff berth and 18th overall in club history as they attempt to piece together a run toward a first MLS Cup crown. In the Western Conference, the San Jose Earthquakes were officially eliminated from 2018 postseason contention. Other potential berths for the Audi 2018 MLS Cup Playoffs could come to fruition over the upcoming weekend, but not following Wednesday’s lone MLS match between hosts New York City FC and the New England Revolution.
MLS Week 28: Match Notes
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
New York City FC vs. New England Revolution, 7 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
NYCFC had their winless streak extended to three games, falling 2-1 to Columbus Crew SC at Mapfre Stadium on Saturday evening. The three-game winless run is the longest of the season for NYCFC.
The Revolution put an end to a three-game losing streak but still had their winless streak extended to nine games, reaching a 1-1 draw with the Portland Timbers at Gillette Stadium on Saturday evening.
The teams are meeting for the second time this season, having reached a 2-2 draw on March 24 at Gillette Stadium.
The Revs are undefeated over the past three meetings in Foxborough; NYCFC have won once at Gillette Stadium, a 1-0 victory on July 6, 2016.
NYCFC’s win in the last meeting at Yankee Stadium, a 2-1 victory there on Aug. 20, 2016, ended a three-game winless streak vs. the Revolution in home matches (0-1-2). NYCFC’s last previous home win vs. New England came in the first meeting ever between the clubs, a 2-0 triumph on March 15, 2015, NYCFC’s first victory in club history.
Saturday, September 8, 2018
New York City FC vs. D.C. United, 4:55 p.m. ET (Univisión)
Ismael Tajouri-Shradi scored his 11th goal of the season in NYCFC’s 2-1 loss to Columbus Crew SC last weekend, taking over the team lead from David Villa. Tajouri-Shradi’s goalscoring mark is tied for the fourth-most goals in a single season in the club’s history; Villa has the first three, in leading the club in goals each season in their three years in MLS.
D.C. United put an end to a brief two-game losing streak, defeating Atlanta United 3-1 at Audi Field on Sunday evening.
Wayne Rooney played a part in all three D.C. goals, scoring one, his fourth in MLS, and setting up two, now with five MLS assists. Luciano Acosta netted a pair of goals and has now scored six goals in the past six games.
The teams split their two meetings a season ago, each winning on their home ground. Villa scored two goals and set up another, and Maximiliano Moralez added a goal and two assists, as NYCFC rolled to a 4-0 win on March 12 at Yankee Stadium; then, D.C. United returned the favor with a 2-1 win on April 8 at RFK Stadium.
NYCFC have won all three meetings between the clubs all-time at Yankee Stadium. United won the final two meetings between the teams at RFK Stadium, their third win in four meetings in the Nation’s Capital.
Sporting Kansas City vs. Orlando City SC, 8:30 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
Sporting had their streak of four consecutive victories – all by shutout – put to an end in a 3-1 loss to Seattle Sounders FC at CenturyLink Field on Saturday afternoon. Diego Rubio scored for a third consecutive game and is now with eight goals on the season.
Orlando City SC put an end to a quick two-game losing streak but still saw their winless run extended to seven matches, reaching a 2-2 draw with the Philadelphia Union at Orlando City Stadium on Saturday evening. Dom Dwyer scored his 12th goal this season and is tied for third-most in a single season in the club’s MLS history.
The teams have met three times all-time, each winning once, with one draw, that coming last May 13 in a 2-2 result at Orlando City Stadium.
The home team won the first two meetings between the teams. Orlando City won the first meeting ever, a 3-1 victory on Sept. 13, 2015 at the Citrus Bowl; Sporting took a 2-1 triumph on May 15, 2016 at Children’s Mercy Park.
Portland Timbers vs. Colorado Rapids, 10:30 p.m. ET (ESPN+)
The Timbers gained a result for a second consecutive match, reaching a 2-2 draw with the New England Revolution at Gillette Stadium on Saturday evening.
The Rapids return to action following a week off, after a 6-0 loss to Real Salt Lake at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park on Aug. 25. The defeat equaled the largest margin of defeat in the club’s history (also losing 6-0 to the LA Galaxy at StubHub Center on Sept. 5, 2014).
The teams are meeting for the second time this season. Samuel Armenteros scored twice as the Timbers took a 3-2 win on May 26 at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park.
The Rapids have won twice in the past 10 meetings between the teams, dating back to the 2015 season, both coming in the past five encounters. The Timbers have won four games over that stretch, with two draws.
The Timbers have a seven-game home winning streak alive vs. Colorado. The visiting team has won just three times in the all-time series, with the Timbers winning in Commerce City in 2015 before this year’s win. The Rapids’ lone win in Portland came on June 11, 2011.
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MLSsoccer.com News
This Week in MLS – September 4, 2018 was originally published on 365 Football
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bellcza · 7 months ago
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soccerstl · 6 years ago
St. Louis Host US Men's Soccer vs Uruguay in September
St. Louis Host US Men’s Soccer vs Uruguay in September
The U.S. Men’s National team will face fifth-ranked Uruguay on Tuesday, Sept. 10, in St. Louis in the USA’s final match before the start of the Concacaf Nations League, a tournament that will help determine qualifying for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Kickoff is set for 7 p.m. CT (8 p.m. ET), and the match will be broadcast live on FS1, Univision and TUDN. The USMNT takes the field at Busch Stadium…
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